You may think you smell good, but are you sure you smell desirable? The problem with most modern scented products is that they’re overloaded with perfumes and synthetic chemicals that cover your natural scent. While it may make you socially acceptable or help cover up some of the smells you’ve encountered throughout the day, it also masks your own natural pheromones—natural aromatic chemicals your body produces to help you seem more confident, in control, and desirable.
Evolutionary Attractants
You have likely heard the idea that animals can sense or smell your fear. Like other animals, humans have adapted a biological way of communicating using their olfactory senses. This is done through the use of pheromones that are secreted by sebaceous glands in the skin. This component of human interaction has become less prevalent with our increasing reliance on written and verbal communication, but that doesn’t mean we don’t still have that capability.
Studies have shown that male pheromones still play a part in generating female attraction. As they are taken in by those around you, they interface with receptors in the female body that in turn set off a chain of biological responses. These biologic responses are involuntary and occur on the subconscious level. This does not mean they take away the free will of those being affected by them, but rather that they predispose them to view you more favorably.
Why Most People Discount Pheromones
Modern society is not based around our natural scents. As our access to a base level of sanitation and hygiene has increased, social norms have demanded increasingly intricate personal care routines. You wake up, shower with a scented body wash, dry off, then cake on scented deodorants and lotions. You shave with a scented lather, then pat on after shave. Finally, you apply cologne and get dressed in clothes washed with perfumed detergent, fabric softener, and dryer sheets. For many, this whole process is repeated again later in the day after work or the gym.
All this over-saturation of scented chemicals removes or masks the pheromones your body produces. They also often expose you to harsh chemicals that can cause irritation, illness, or even have a negative reaction to your body chemistry that smells off. If that happens, you’ll find yourself requiring additional scented products to cover the ones you’ve already used. Most of this cleansing regimen isn’t even necessary. The natural human scent (the clean and fresh one—not the one you think of after an hour at the gym) is not offensive.
Showering with an effective soap or body wash, a complementary shampoo, and using mild personal care products is usually sufficient. A less-is-more approach not only gets you just as clean, but allows you to still make use of your pheromones to give you a boost in attracting women and impressing men you come into contact with on a daily basis. This all begins with choosing the right products, including a cologne that gives you a great smell but still lets your pheromones shine through.
Choosing Better Personal Care Products
When choosing the products to put on your body, there are a few things to keep in mind.
- Natural Is Better – Ingredients that come from natural sources tend to be gentler on your skin. This can reduce the risk of irritation while offering the moisturizing and nourishment you need to reduce the appearance of age lines and help keep it protected from the environment. In addition, synthetic perfumes tend to have a chemical smell, which is not the best way to make a good impression.
- Avoid Problematic Additives – Ingredients like sulfates and parabens shouldn’t be in your products. Sulfates are often used in products as an emulsifier, while parabens are preservatives. These can both cause irritation, and parabens have been linked to an increase in certain cancers.
- Formulated To Work With Your Skin – Even if they don’t cause irritation, the wrong cologne might smell great in the bottle but once it hits your skin, not so much. As with all body care products, look for formulas that have premium ingredients that nourish, moisturize, and aren’t overly scented. A good pheromone-booster doesn’t cover your own smell; it helps bring it out.
- Socially Conscious – Smelling manly doesn’t have to mean compromising on your values. You can find premium products that avoid cruelty and animal testing. Be kind to animals; chicks dig it.
The Ideal Pheromone Boosting Cologne
If you want to get the most out of a men’s pheromone-boosting cologne, you need to make sure it ticks all the boxes. Choose a naturally derived formula that is based around time-proven botanicals that offer a pleasant, invigorating aroma of their own without completely masking your natural scent in an overpowering wave of smell. The pheromone-boosting formula should be carefully blended to work with your body’s chemistry and help accentuate your own pheromone smell. That way, you can be confident the reaction you’re generating is truly yours. This confidence provides its own kind of non-verbal communication that can be read in the way you move, talk, and conduct yourself.
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