There are manifold websites and blogs geared towards helping men stay healthier, dress better, and generally be better men. With so much to sort through, we created this list of the top 25 need to know blogs for men.
It also seems like a new manly blog pops up every few months. I follow most of these blogs, but there is simply no time to catch up with all the great stuff that’s being produced in these sites.
What that said, below is a list my 25 favorite manly blogs every man should follow. All these sites are gleaming with manliness and exceedingly amazing, engaging and useful manly content.
Why you should follow this Blog:
This blog site is devoted to revealing the lost art of being a man. This site will help you become a better citizen, brother, father, and even a better husband.
Why you should follow this Blog:
This blog site is aimed at helping you in case you are fascinated by receiving a better shave and well grooming in general.
Why you should follow this Blog: is a blog site whose aim is to be the first destination for job freelancers and job seekers on a quest for finding useful resources, insights, advice, and inspiration on how they can start and grow their professional and freelancing careers.
This site might be what you’ve been looking for to move your career to its next level.
Why you should follow this Blog:
Join David Shaul (also known as DadvWorld) on his journey as he takes on the world as a daddy. This blog contains in depth details on what you’ll need to do so that when you’re in your forties, you’ll look back at your journey as a father and recall more vividly the amazing memories you made.
In case you’re too tired or just lazy to read all his blog posts, then you can watch his video clips on YouTube as an alternative.
Why you should follow this Blog: blog belongs to wine blogger, wine writer, wine educator, and Executive Director Of Wine Variety Group, Jo Diaz.
Jo Diaz segued to the wine industry in the year 1993. Since then, she has been employed by wine related companies such as Kendal-Jackson, Ironstone Vineyards, Barefoot Cellars, Robert Mondavi, and so much more.
She uses her site ( to create “juicy tales” on wine related topics and also share her impressive story working in the wine industry.
Why you should follow this Blog:
If you are a man serious about survival in terrible situations, then you need to come up with a plan. More crucially, you need the resources to help you support your plan, and that’s where comes in.
This blog site features lots of articles related to the impending doom, and God willing, it will improve your chances of surviving in the “Impending” apocalypse.
Why you should follow this Blog: site will make you spend hours talking and reading about the most absurd aspects of cars.
In case you have an appreciation for cars, then this site is for you.
The site will basically turn you into a car nut.
Why you should follow this Blog: is a men’s fashion and style blog site concocted by Adam York for guys’ with a wearable and classic style.
Why you should follow this Blog: blog site has numerous weight loss contents to help individual dealing with weight loss. Tim has made it his personal mission to comprehend all aspects of fitness and share them with the world.
Why you should follow this Blog: is a blog site of actionable resources for business people and entrepreneurs’.
Why you should follow this Blog: enlightens you on how you can take your frustration out of Golf. The blog will keep you entertained, with no pressure to enhance your “stinking golfing skills.”
Why you should follow this Blog: is all about sharing and celebrating stories regarding fatherhood.
The site pays attention to the prominence of a father’s role in a kid’s life, while still sharing amazing recipes to enjoy with friend and family.
Why you should follow this Blog:
In case you are looking for a productivity coach to assist you on how you can move from dreaming to achieving, then this site is for you. Kirstin will help you learn how to manage time and improve your productivity.
Why you should follow this Blog: will help you become the best version of yourself. This site provides serious advice to help you circumnavigate the ups and downs brought about by life.
Why you should follow this Blog:
This site has tools that can help you build an interchangeable wardrobe. This site will arm you with tips such as, how you can use garments as a weapon to grasp respect, how you can control your image to project trust, competence, and power, and even how you can utilize style to impress women.
Why you should follow this Blog:
This site’s owner shares his compassion for men’s elegance, style, and clothing with the world. In the last couple of years, he has created guides and posts to help men dress better.
Why you should follow this Blog:
This blog started as an exercise in sharing thoughts regarding undershirts, and it’s now regarded as the best site with information concerning undershirts online.
Why you should follow this Blog:
This site will help you create a passive income driven online business. Follow the site and learn how you can stop trading time for money and create an enterprise that works for you.
Why you should follow this Blog:
Join Tim Ferris on his blog site as he shares his life story before he became his own boss and what you need to do to become your own boss.
Why you should follow Craig:
Follow Craig through his personal blog site as he reviews cigar accessories, cigar bars, cigar magazines, and everything else he pleases.
Why you should follow this Blog:
Regardless of whether you’re just learning how you can brew your own beer at home, or are an experienced beer brewer, this site is for you.
Why you should follow this Blog: is a growing sports media brand with more than 300 fan centric team communities.
Join them as they strive to make every fan better.
Why you should follow this Blog:
In case you are a sports enthusiast then this blog fits you impeccably. This sports site shares the ever present energy surrounding the realm of sports.
Why you should follow this Blog:
This blog site will enlighten you on tricks and tips you can utilize to assist in supercharging your adventures.
Why you should follow this Blog: is a site that will help you suit up or wear your favorite blazer and chino as well as an impressive pair of smart shoes.
What I have come to comprehend is that somewhere during our transition from boy-man we lose our real sense. The whole world starts telling us how we need to grow up, be responsible, and get a good job. I do not disagree with all those things, but we have got to stick to our own roots.
Like men, let us keep experimenting.
Thank you for connecting me to so many different men’s blogs. I never knew so many existed and with such variety. I’m a blogger myself on a journey to lose 300 pounds. I’ve lost 152 at this point. It has been an amazing journey so far. Thanks for getting the word out on these amazing blogs.
Wow, that’s amazing Todd. Keep up the great work!